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Tilapia Farmed Fish Fact Sheet Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 4.35 MB
Year: 2021

This is the third in a series of consumer guides that describe fish and shellfish farmed in the Midwest region of the United States. The fact sheet also includes culinary characteristics, cooking tips and a recipe for Sautéed Tilapia.



  1. Wohlfarth, G.W. and G. Hulata. 1983. Applied Genetics of Tilapias, ICLARM Studies and Reviews 6, 26 p. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila.
  2. Nico, L.G., Schofield, P.J., and Neilson, M.E., 2021, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758): U.S. Geological Survey, Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL,, Revision Date: 1/8/2020, Peer Review Date: 12/18/2013, Access Date: 2/16/2021
  3. National Marine Fisheries Service (2020) Fisheries of the United States, 2018. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Current Fishery Statistics No. 2018 Available at: national/commercial-fishing/fisheries-united-states-2018
  4. FAO 2005-2021. Cultured Aquatic Species Information Programme. Oreochromis niloticus. Cultured Aquatic Species Information programme. Text by Rakocy, J.E. In: FAO Fisheries Division [Online]. Rome. Update 18 February 2005. [Cited 16 February 2021].
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Tipping Point Planner Curriculum Thumbnail

Year: 2020

Through the decision support system, Tipping Point Planner (, communities in Great Lakes states can plan for a sustainable future by directly linking data to the local decision-making process. With help from trained facilitators, Tipping Point Planner enables professional as well as citizen participation in the land use planning and management process, including maintaining projects using a HUC 12 watershed scale. The program provides information, tools, and resources to help communities work with diverse stakeholders to:

  • Examine past and predicted land-use changes
  • Identify environmental threats
  • Define natural resource assets in need of protection or restoration
  • Explore land-use strategies and policies that enhance local values
  • Gain the framework to define a community’s priorities through interactive community visioning exercises

The curriculum contains education materials and resources to support community planning for land use and natural resource management. The following curriculum chapters are available for download:

  • Tipping Point Planner Introduction
  • Planning Tools for Land Use and Natural Resource Management
  • Tipping Point Planner Modules

To learn more about facilitated community action planning program offerings, please visit

To download this resource visit the Purdue Extension EdStore at

Tipping Points Planner Thumbnail

Year: 2006

This collaborative program gives watershed planning groups across the Great Lakes the information they need to protect natural resources and enhance local economies.

For more detailed information, visit Tipping Points Planner

Type E Botulism Outbreaks: A Manual for Beach Managers and the Public Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 4.91 MB
Year: 2012

This manual, prepared by the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration (GLRC), provides information regarding Type E botulism and how to control its spread throughout the region. It is intended to provide both beach managers and the general public with guidance on Type E botulism and to provide sources of additional information.

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Understanding Conservation Pricing Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 3.00 MB
Year: 2017

What is the right price for water? It depends on whom you ask. Every community has unique needs and must decide what it wants to achieve with water rates—revenue recovery, revenue stability, affordability, economic development, encouraging efficient use of water, to name a few. This factsheet discusses rate design to encourage efficient water use, in other words, conservation pricing.

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UpClose Publications Thumbnail

Year: 2012-2016

Learn about aquatic pollution by hearing directly from the people doing the research. From the field to the lab, UpClose takes you behind the scenes with the scientists working to make sense of this complicated topic.

Volume 1: Timothy Strathmann

In this issue:

Dr. Timothy Strathmann, an environmental engineer at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, has dedicated more than a decade to understanding the chemical principles at work behind environmental challenges such as ensuring long term water quality and developing renewable energy.

Publication Number: IISG-12-49

Volume 2: Maria Sepulveda

In this issue:

Dr. Maria Sepulveda works from her lab at Purdue University to uncover the impacts of environmental contaminants of fish and other wildlife.

Publication Number: IISG-13-02

Volume 3: John Kelly

In this issue:

Dr. John Kelly, a microbiologist at Loyola University Chicago, is working to shine a light on the impacts that human activities have on aquatic microbial communities, especially those that make their homes in rivers or lakes.

Publication Number: IISG-13-77W

Volume 4: Melody Bernot

In this issue:

Dr. Melody Bernot, an ecologist at Ball State University, is probing deeper into some of the biggest questions in pharmaceutical and personal care produce (PPCP) research.

Publication Number: IISG-13-81

Volume 5: Rebecca Klaper

In this issue:

Dr. Rebecca Klaper, an ecologist at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is searching for practical solution for the design, use, and management of pharmaceuticals and other emerging contaminants found in the environment.

Publication Number: IISG-13-87

Volume 6: Sam Mason

In this issue:

Dr. Sherri “Sam” Mason, a chemistry professor at State University of New York Fredonia, has documented the quantity of plastic in the Great Lakes, putting a spotlight on microplastic pollution in freshwater systems and the potential impacts.

Publication Number: IISG-14-25

Volume 7: Steven Mauro

In this issue:

Dr. Steven Mauro from Grannon University discusses research on the ways pharmaceuticals are changing the bacterial communities that help keep aquatic ecosystems healthy.

Publication Number: IISG-14-87

Volume 8: Dana Kolpin

In this issue:

Dana Kolpin, head of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Emerging Contaminants Project, discussed the first-ever nationwide study that discovered trace amounts of emerging contaminants in streams across the country.

Publication Number: IISG-14-100 E

Volume 9: Barbara Mahler

In this issue:

Dr. Barbara Mahler, research hydrologist at the U.S. Geological Survey, discussed her work investigating the toxic chemicals associated with pavement sealants impact local environments.

Publication Number: IISG-15-011 E

Volume 10: Lorena Rios Mendoza

In this issue:

Dr. Lorena Rios Mendoza from the University of Wisconsin Superior talks about her work to identify the chemicals that build up on the surface of microplastics and how photodegradation may alter the way they react to one another.

Publication Number IISG-15-028 E

Volume 11: Michael Lydy

In this issue:

Dr. Michael Lydy from Southern Illinois University Carbondale, investigates the complex chemical and biological factors affecting pesticide toxicity in urban streams.

Publication Number: IISG-15-16-008

Volume 12: Tim Hoellein

In this issue:

Dr. Tim Hoellein from Loyola University Chicago, investigates the interactions between common pollutants and organisms in rivers and streams.

Publication Number: IISG-16-021

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