
Aquaponics and food farming take over abandoned Chicago factory

August 6th, 2012 by
In Chicago, a former food factory is being converted into the city’s first vertical farm, and a sustainable, zero-energy one at that. 
From Bridgette Meinhold, writing for
“The transformation is already underway and over the next few years, the factory will become a zero-energy, food business incubator, research facility, education space, and working urban farm. Plant Chicago is already growing greens and mushrooms and will soon start brewing beer and kombucha and raising tilapia in a sustainable system with zero waste.”
Aquaponics are a large part of the plan as well, offering a cyclical and sustainable way to raise fish and plants for food year-round. 
Read the complete article and see photos of the building and operations currently in progress at the link above, and additional details about the plans for the business here.

Students Learn about Coastal Issues in the Pacific Northwest from Sea Grant Specialists

August 3rd, 2012 by
Bill Hanshumaker of the Hatfield Marine Science Center
and Oregon Sea Grant explains aquaculture research
being conducted at the facility.

Each year, natural resource students from Purdue University, North Carolina State University, and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences come together to learn about sustainable use of natural resources in some part of the world. In July 2012, the course took place in the Pacific Northwest. Students visited old-growth forests, wildlife refuges, urban areas and more, learning about the political, social and economic concerns that factor into decision-making and development in the region. 

Because of the partnership between Purdue University’s Department of Forestry and Natural Resources and Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant, students were able to connect with extension specialists from Oregon Sea Grant to learn about coastal issues. 


Oregon Sea Grant agent Jeff Feldner discusses
commercial fishing during a “dock walk.”

IISG’s Carolyn Foley shares more about the course: “Amidst glorious sunshine, students learned about the strong fishing trade in Newport, OR, including oyster farming. They asked questions about how these trades are regulated in the Pacific Northwest, and what impacts their activities have on the surrounding community and natural resource use. They were also able to visit the Hatfield Marine Science Center and gain a healthy overview of the major issues affecting coastal resources in Oregon and surrounding states, including the development of technology to harness wave energy, impacts of naturally-occurring low-oxygen conditions, and effects of development on local wildlife populations. Some students even visited a large dock (~66’ x 19’ x 7’) that was ripped from its pilings in Misawa, Japan during the 2011 tsunami which crossed more than 11,000 km of Pacific Ocean and landed near Newport in early June, bringing with it more than 80 non-native, potentially invasive species of algae, snails, clams, and other life forms.”

Students from the course gather in front of the
tsunami-generated floating dock that washed ashore
in early June 2012. Researchers have identified 92+
species that survived the trans-Pacific voyage.


For more about some of IISG’s education initiatives, visit our education website. College and graduate students are also encouraged to contact their departments for information on similar courses and opportunities.

*Photos courtesy of George Hess with North Carolina State University

Educators set sail on Lake Huron

July 31st, 2012 by
Fourteen teachers from throughout the Great Lakes basin embarked on the learning opportunity of a lifetime this month, taking part in a week-long workshop aboard the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s research vessel Lake Guardian. They explored first-hand Lake Huron’s geology, limnology (freshwater science), and ecology, with a special focus on the food web as it relates to Huron’s fisheries. 
The teachers worked side-by-side with scientists learning a great deal about what comprises research on the Great Lakes. They assisted with the collection of planktonic and benthic organisms, as well as gathering water quality data. They also explored Great Lakes curriculum and discussed how to integrate this information in their classrooms. You can see visit their blog and learn more at This program is offered annually by EPA’s Great Lakes National Program Office and the Great Lakes Sea Grant Network. If you are an educator, consider applying next year for the cruise on Lake Ontario!

Recent report details Great Lakes vulnerability to Asian carp

July 17th, 2012 by
According to some of the latest research, a population of Asian carp as small as 20 in number could be enough to establish a damaging population of the invasive species in the Great Lakes. 
From The Atlantic Cities
“The report notes that this small population would have a greater than 50 percent chance of successfully spawning if they were to find a viable river access point to the lakes. Lake Michigan is the most likely target, and the Chicago Area Waterway System of rivers, sanitary canals and locks would be the most likely entry point. Already, the environmental DNA of carp has been detected as close as six miles from Lake Michigan. Some worry that the carp’s entrance into the Great Lakes is inevitable.”
Read more, including links to the full report and additional information, at the link above.

In the news: Federal study to help Great Lakes communities prevent floods

May 21st, 2012 by
A data collection project is currently underway that would help communities prepare for and prevent flooding in the Great Lakes basin. There are also six technical workshops for coastal management and associated professionals to be held next month at several locations around the Great Lakes. 
From the Great Lakes Echo
“Federal officials are studying how to help Great Lakes communities better prepare for hazardous floods.
‘It will be the most comprehensive study ever conducted of shoreline flooding,’ said Ken Hinterlong, a senior engineer with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. So far, only ‘…the first phase of the project is done, which is a basin-wide data collection for Lake Michigan and Lake St. Clair.’”
Visit the link above for the full article including a link to the full workshop schedule.

In the news: Further research on Lake Michigan-based wind power

May 15th, 2012 by
Grand Valley State University successfully deployed their wind research buoy in the middle of Lake Michigan last week, 37 miles off shore. The buoy, a joint project between Grand Valley State University, Michigan State University, and the University of Michigan, is one of only two in existence, and the only one operating in the Great Lakes. 
Researchers are looking forward to data on a variety of factors related to possible wind energy generation in the Great Lakes. In addition to studying wind velocity and related factors, the research takes into account water temperatures, wave activity, and animal life in order to provide the most complete picture for potential wind farm development offshore.
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