Topic: Climate Ready Communities

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Lawn to Lake: The Nearshore Environment Thumbnail
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File Size: 2.12 MB

Nearshore environments include wetlands, beaches, and grass meadows of a lake. This factsheet describes life in a nearshore, water quality in this area, why degradation occurs, and what you can do to improve nearshore water quality.

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Introduction to Rain Garden Design Thumbnail
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A rain garden is a green infrastructure project that can improve the quality of stormwater, minimize pollution, and enhance biodiversity and pollinator habitat. Purdue, Iowa State and Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant researchers explain how to site, size, design, install and maintain a rain garden, and provide advice on plant selection, too. Document is available for download in the Purdue Extension Ed-Store.

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Informing the Development of the Great Lakes Region Decision Support System Thumbnail
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Land use planners in the Great Lakes region make recommendations that can affect the quality and quantity of ground and surface water resources. Challenges include a lack of up-to-date data, and insufficient political and financial support. In this publication, university researchers in the Great Lakes region show how collaboration led to development and maintenance of an online decision support system.

Document is available from the Purdue Extension Education Store at,

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Indiana Master Watershed Steward Thumbnail
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Indiana Master Watershed Stewards are trained volunteers who understand how watersheds work and are willing to help with watershed improvement efforts in their communities. Master Watershed Stewards complete a 12-week training program that pulls together information from scientists, researchers, and watershed management professionals. Topics will include how watersheds function, what factors affect watershed health, how water is managed for human use, and how volunteers can play a part in promoting watershed health and appreciation.

For more detailed information, visit Indiana Master Watershed Steward

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Increasing Illinois and Indiana Shoreline Resilience: Information A to Z Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 748.93 KB

Following IISG’s 2020 workshop focused on lake level variability and communication, one of the key products that participants needed was a list of what types of issues different organizations handle, such as funding, permitting, and other general information needs. This product thoroughly lists the ways in which several federal, Illinois, Indiana and independent organizations can assist coastal communities.

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Illinois Native Plants for the Home Landscape Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 1.84 MB

This brochure is a guide to the characteristics and benefits of selected Illinois plants to help home gardeners choose native plants appropriate for site-specific conditions.

Alternative Version

A screen reader friendly version is available at:

En Español

Plantas Nativas de Illinois en español está aquí.
La publicación para un lector de pantalla está disponible aquí.

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IISG Focus: Education Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 3.66 MB

This is a quick summary of IISG’s opportunities and resources to help teachers and other educators increase their Great Lakes literacy, and ultimately that of their students.

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