Topic: Climate Ready Communities

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Homeowner Conservation Practices to Protect Water Quality Thumbnail
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Anyone who has a home with a yard can help protect and improve water quality. This publication offers practical advice about reducing impervious surfaces, select proper landscape plants, effective management of lawns, installing rain barrels and rain gardens, and proper care of septic systems.

Publication is available through the Purdue Extension EduStore at:

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Harmful Algal Blooms Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 3.49 MB

This beach manager’s manual provides the latest on harmful algal blooms which can be found in most water bodies around the Great Lakes.

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Full Sun Pollinator Garden- A Native Planting Guide to Attract Pollinators Thumbnail
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File Size: 1.69 MB

This guide features a plant plan that creates year-round interest for people and extends the foraging season for pollinators.

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A screen-reader friendly version is available at
A printer friendly version is available at

En Español

Jardín de Lluvia a Pleno Sol en español está aquí.
La publicación para un lector de pantalla está disponible aquí.
La publicación para imprimir está disponible aquí.

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Duluth’s Revitalization Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 2.03 MB

A Great Lakes Area of Concern, the St. Louis River bordering Minnesota and Wisconsin has undergone a cleanup through the Great Lakes Legacy Act. As a result, the city of Duluth has seen environmental, economic, and quality of life benefits.



En Español

Revitalización de Duluth en español está aquí.

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Discovery Grant Projects Thumbnail
File Type: pdf
File Size: 1.47 MB

Just as a gardener hopes that their scattered seeds will eventually bloom into a lush garden, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant awards Discovery Grants, or ‘seed’ grants, to a number of projects in the hopes that the initiatives will grow into something larger. This publication highlights research on water quality, aquaculture, biodiversity, and more.

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Climate Change: Communication Strategies to Support Local Planning Thumbnail
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Despite strong evidence that climate change is happening, many people do not realize the urgency with which we need to act, nor do they fully understand the types of impacts facing their communities. This publication provides some basic, but proven, strategies to help local officials more effectively communicate with the public about climate change.

This file is available from the Purdue Extension EdStore at,

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