Topic: Education

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Duluth’s Revitalization Thumbnail
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File Size: 2.03 MB

A Great Lakes Area of Concern, the St. Louis River bordering Minnesota and Wisconsin has undergone a cleanup through the Great Lakes Legacy Act. As a result, the city of Duluth has seen environmental, economic, and quality of life benefits.



En Español

Revitalización de Duluth en español está aquí.

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Buffalo’s Revitalization Thumbnail
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File Size: 1.80 MB

A Great Lakes Area of Concern, the Buffalo River in New York has undergone a cleanup through the Great Lakes Legacy Act. As a result, the city of Buffalo has seen environmental, economic, and quality of life benefits.



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Aquaculture Family Coloring Book Thumbnail
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File Size: 12.04 MB

This print-your-own coloring book provides a fun and active way for children and adults to learn about the many kinds of aquatic animals that are raised on farms for aquaculture. Each spread highlights one species, pairing a beautifully illustrated coloring page with accompanying text for both advanced and beginning readers with information about aquaculture, fisheries, recreational fishing and cooking tips.

Professionally printed coloring books are also available while supplies last. Requests can be submitted to

Coloring Guide:

Watch and read along with IISG’s communications coordinator, Hope Charters, as she reads the beginning reader sections in the Aquaculture Family Coloring Book. Each spread of the coloring book is separated into two sections: an advance reader section on the left (for grown-ups and advanced readers) and a beginning reader section on the right. We hope that you will enjoy reading along.

En Español

Acuicultura Libro Para Colorear En Familia en español está aquí.

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Walleye Farmed Fish Fact Sheet: A Guide for Seafood Consumers Thumbnail
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File Size: 3.77 MB

This fact sheet is a consumer guide to farmed walleye. The publication describes walleye, walleye farming, product safety, and culinary characteristics of walleye in addition to cooking tips and a recipe.



  1. Summerfelt, R.C., Kinnunen, R.E., Johnson, J.A., 2019. Production of Walleye as Potential Food Fish. North Central Regional Aquaculture Center Technical Bulletin #116, NCRAC Publications Office, Iowa State University, Ames.
  2. Summerfelt, R.C., ed. 1996. Walleye culture manual. NCRAC Culture Series #101, NCRAC Publications Office, Iowa State University, Ames, Page 5.
  3. Williams, M.C.W., Murphy, E.W., McCarty H.B., Snyder, B.D. Schrank, C.S., McCann, P.J. Crimmins, B.S. 2017. Variation in the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA in fillets of fish from Great Lakes region. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 43, Pages 150–160.
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IISG Focus: Education Thumbnail
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File Size: 3.66 MB

This is a quick summary of IISG’s opportunities and resources to help teachers and other educators increase their Great Lakes literacy, and ultimately that of their students.

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The Helm 2020 Thumbnail
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File Size: 5.52 MB

The Helm is a collection of recent IISG success stories, describing some of our research, outreach, and education efforts to address coastal and Great Lakes issues in Illinois and Indiana.

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