Topic: Education

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Aquaponics: Farming Fish, Growing Greens Thumbnail
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File Size: 19.45 MB

Aquaponics: Farming Fish, Growing Greens teaches STEM through aquaponics, a water-based agricultural system that combines aquaculture and hydroponics. This 9-12 grade curriculum was designed to be used along with an onsite aquaponics system. Curriculum topics include an Introduction to aquaculture, fundamental parts of an aquaponics system, the nitrogen cycle, water quality, population dynamics, our modern food system and more. Lessons were developed to build on each other and be delivered in sequence but can also be used individually.

If you would like to access to all the Aquaponics: Farming Fish, Growing Greens curriculum resources such as slide decks, submit your requests to

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Know Your H2O Quick Reference Guide for Testing Water Quality Thumbnail
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File Size: 3.50 MB

This quick reference guide is a supplement resource for the Know Your H2O water quality testing kit. The guide takes you step-by-step through basic procedures for measuring dissolved oxygen and temperature using the YSI Pro 20i dissolved oxygen meter and pH using an EcoSense pH pen. It also provides testing procedures for La Motte chemical tests to measure alkalinity, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, iron, and phosphate levels in water.

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Seafood Basics: A Toolkit for Understanding Seafood, Nutrition, Safety and Preparation, and Sourcing Thumbnail
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File Size: 21.49 MB

This toolkit is a curated collection of information and resources focused on seafood for educators interested in supplementing existing programs. Topics covered in this publication include the health benefits of eating seafood, recommendations for including seafood as part of healthy eating patterns, sourcing, and seafood safety. In addition to information about nutrition and safety, there are sections on cooking methods, recipes, and social media that can be used for planning your next cooking demonstration and educating and inspiring clients.

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Muskegon’s Revitalization Thumbnail
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File Size: 2.29 MB

A Great Lakes Area of Concern, Muskegon Lake in Michigan has undergone a cleanup through the Great Lakes Legacy Act. As a result, the city of Muskegon has seen environmental, economic, and quality of life benefits.



  1. Paul Isely Erik Nordman Kendra Robbins Julie Cowie. Muskegon Lake Area of Concern Habitat Restoration Project: Socio-Economic Assessment Revisited. July 2020.
  2. Ibid.
  3. Ibid.

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Sheboygan’s Revitalization Thumbnail
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File Size: 1.70 MB

A Great Lakes Area of Concern, the Sheboygan River in Wisconsin has undergone a cleanup through the Great Lakes Legacy Act. As a result, the city of Sheboygan has seen environmental, economic, and quality of life benefits.



  1. Great Lakes Commission. Assessing the Investment—The Economic Impact of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative: A Case Study of Sheboygan, Wisconsin. September 2018.

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En Español

Revitalización de Sheboygan en español está aquí.

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Ashtabula’s Revitalization Thumbnail
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File Size: 193.76 KB

A Great Lakes Area of Concern, Ashtabula River in Ohio has undergone a cleanup through the Great Lakes Legacy Act. As a result, the city of Ashtabula has seen environmental, economic, and quality of life benefits.



  1. Great Lakes Commission. Assessing the Investment—The Economic Impact of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative: A Case Study of Ashtabula, Ohio. September 2018.
  2. Ibid.

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En Español

Revitalización de Ashtabula en español está aquí.

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