Topic: Recreation and Tourism

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The Helm 2020 Thumbnail
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File Size: 5.52 MB

The Helm is a collection of recent IISG success stories, describing some of our research, outreach, and education efforts to address coastal and Great Lakes issues in Illinois and Indiana.

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Best Practices Guide for Charter Fishing and COVID-19 Thumbnail
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This guide provides best practices for charter operators, captains, crew and customers to minimize the risk of COVID-19 for charter fishing in southern Lake Michigan. The guide covers measures that operators and customers can take before, during, and after a fishing trip, including social distancing, cleaning and personal protective equipment.

This document is available through the Purdue University Extension Education Store at

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Indiana Master Watershed Steward Thumbnail
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Indiana Master Watershed Stewards are trained volunteers who understand how watersheds work and are willing to help with watershed improvement efforts in their communities. Master Watershed Stewards complete a 12-week training program that pulls together information from scientists, researchers, and watershed management professionals. Topics will include how watersheds function, what factors affect watershed health, how water is managed for human use, and how volunteers can play a part in promoting watershed health and appreciation.

For more detailed information, visit Indiana Master Watershed Steward

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Salmon and Trout of the Great Lakes: A Visual Identification Guide Thumbnail
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The Great Lakes are home to eight species of salmon and trout. These species can be difficult to distinguish from each other as they overlap in their distributions and change appearance depending on their habitat and the time of year. This illustrated, peer-reviewed, two-page guide, courtesy of the Great Lakes Sea Grant Network, shows important body features and helpful tips to identify and distinguish between salmon and trout species in the Great Lakes.

This document is available through the Purdue University Extension Education Store at

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Summary report of the “Plastics research in the Great Lakes: identifying gaps and facilitating collaboration” session presented during the 60th annual International Association for Great Lakes Research conference (IAGLR) Thumbnail
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File Size: 266.39 KB

This session was one of the largest at the 60th annual IAGLR conference, with 18 oral presentations, 1 poster presentation, and 1 facilitated discussion period. The full list of abstracts (with author contact information) is included as Appendix 1. This session was well-attended throughout the day, with as many as 70 people attending the individual talks.

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This item is a vinyl fish ruler with an adhesive backing for anglers to place the ruler either in their tackle box or attached somewhere in their boat. They can use the ruler to measure their catch. In addition to the ruler, there is information for Indiana anglers concerning the Fish Consumption Advisories as written by the state.

For more information and to obtain a decal, please contact Leslie Dorworth

Image of full sticker.

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