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This beach manager’s manual provides the latest on harmful algal blooms which can be found in most water bodies around the Great Lakes.
This beach manager’s manual provides the latest on harmful algal blooms which can be found in most water bodies around the Great Lakes.
To assist green infrastructure project managers with understanding long-term maintenance issues, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant conducted a needs assessment. This assessment grew out of a recognition that declining infrastructure performance and sufficiency is a fundamental challenge to stormwater management over time.
This manual explores full-cost pricing as a tool for local decision makers interested in sustainably managing community water supply.
A collection of activities connecting Great Lakes and ocean science topics to enhance teacher capabilities for accessing science information that is vital to maintaining the environmental health and economic benefits of our nation’s freshwater and marine systems.
Just as a gardener hopes that their scattered seeds will eventually bloom into a lush garden, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant awards Discovery Grants, or ‘seed’ grants, to a number of projects in the hopes that the initiatives will grow into something larger. This publication highlights research on water quality, aquaculture, biodiversity, and more.
Concern over water service affordability has grown in recent years as water bills escalate at a faster pace than the overall cost-of-living.While the cost of water has been rising over the past decade, the ability of consumers to pay for water service has declined. This review examines the definition and measurement of water affordability through a chronological search and presentation of the regulatory and research literature. Results will be used to determine a method for measuring water affordability for the northeastern Illinois region.
This outreach brochure provides simple steps for homeowners to conserve on outdoor water use. Lawn watering and other outdoor water uses can account for 30 percent of Illinois home water usage throughout the summer, but only half of that water penetrates the soil, with the rest lost due to inefficient watering practices. Reducing outdoor water waste in Illinois saves money and protects our limited water resources, especially during times of drought. We can all take a few simple steps to use water more efficiently.
Original document available from: http://www.nwpa.us/pdfs/resource_center/FY14-0073_LAWN TO LAKES NWPA Brochure_CONSERVING WATER_WEB.pdf
This product is a guide to selecting low-input turfgrass in the northeastern Illinois region.
The original brochure is available from the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (https://www.cmap.illinois.gov/documents/10180/296668/FY19-0072_BEYOND_BLUEGRASS_BROCHURE.pdf/80239944-7a22-0b71-8e62-2aff006aef41).